Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Texans to Nigger President - Fuck Off

I can't believe this. I guess the right wing is in some way going for it - trying to pull the South back out of the country, or something.

The Governor of Texas is telling people to rebel against the Federal government.

"Where’re you gonna’ stand? With an ever-growing Washington bureaucracy, or are you going to stand with the people of this state who understand the importance of state's rights"

Just in case you don't understand, the issue of 'states rights' was used by the racist Southern governmental system to defend their 'right' to discriminate against nigras. So when you hear Perry say "an ever growing Washington bureaucracy", just substitute "that damn Yankee nigger in the White House" because that's what a callout for states rights MEANS, and then they clap at the end.

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