Monday, August 08, 2011

Religion, politics, S and P, race, London Burning!

Gave at talk tonight to the Network of Spiritual Progressives; a group of mostly un-churched lefty religious who wanted to hear about organizing or something.

Was good, but had problems with my computer and freaked myself out. Also there was a fire alarm to start the evening. Also I have an 8 AM morning meeting. Ugh!

A few of the cool things I found around the intertubes today:

Great rant about Standard and Poor's rating shift - blatant self promotion and a transparent effort to regain credibility was the gist - at Daily Kos.

Bullshit race killing caught on tape in Mississippi
, nothing like a little random hate lynching.

OMG London is burning!
I guess when you crap all over people for a while they get pissed off and wreck shit. I was wondering if England United were involved - the right wing fascist soccer hooligans that the Norway killer was involved with - but can't tell. Even London Indymedia is puzzled.

Anyway - here's my takeaways from the NSP discussion; pay attention to the wage divide, fight back against the religious right, and you'll get your morals dirty if you actually get things done. But that's life.

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