Friday, December 03, 2010


Must... twitch... anger... rising...

Blogging unlike facebooking takes more time and thought. Good posts need more commentary and good links.

But I'm just fucking fed up with shit! And not in a mood to stop fighting, but I mean for jeeze?

So here's what's pissing me off.

1) Craven governmental institutions caving to the Republican takeover of the house. The Smithsonian's not letting people see Wikileaks on their server (WHAT bullshit) and some museum took down some edgy crucifix art.

This is a double for Wikileaks, which is the dirty underwear of empire showing and the empire claiming that the need for diplomats to shit their pants is core to diplomacy.

And then the fucking intolerant Christian Reich squad with their 'ooooh my cross, my faith it's so fraaaagile' which thinly veils their 'you vill not show any disrespekt to us, no!' attitude.

2) Tom Emmer. Fuck that guy. And the democracy-destroying Republican party.

Check out Facebook for the Emmer:Concede group.

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